“Why are you losing your memory?"
Causes of memory loss

As a person goes through life and collects experiences, they store away hundreds of thousands of memories in the brain. Most of this process is involuntary. Non-essential experiences may not be held, while those essential for your growth, sustenance and survival will be stored and retrieved when necessary. For example, while you may remember what you were wearing yesterday, you will likely remember what you wore on the 25th of June last year if it was an extraordinary day. However, you will likely remember how to walk, talk or behave in a social context. As you grow older, you tend to be more selective about which information needs to be stored or discarded.
Memory loss is a common problem. In earlier years, it was a problem associated with older adults in their 70s and 80s. In recent times, I have had many patients in their 40s complaining of memory loss and absentmindedness.
When a person needs help remembering essential information required for carrying out life on a day-to-day basis, a problem needs attention.
Poor posture is a significant cause of memory loss at all ages. Using a smartphone or a laptop causes you to stoop constantly, leading to a semi-permanent slouch. Constant neck bending to play games or use Facebook or WhatsApp on your phone affects blood circulation to your head and brain.
The vertebral artery passes through the spinal cord, providing significant blood and oxygen to the brain. Slouching can kink this artery, reducing blood circulation to the brain. Straightening up your neck and back by standing straight against the wall for 1 minute every hour and maintaining a straight posture in the time between often dramatically improves the circulation and oxygen to your brain, helping your vision, memory, and clarity.
Stooping and slouching compress the chest, affecting breathing and causing a lack of oxygenation and circulation in the brain and other body parts. It also causes thoracic outlet syndrome, which affects the circulation, sensation, and strength of the hands.
People sit for long hours in front of a computer or television in a posture that is not conducive to breathing deeply and properly.
Tall people stoop to fit in with the height of the people around them and often have very poor posture. Conversely, short people stand straighter, appear more elevated and usually have better postures than tall people or people of average height.
The natural ageing process leads to stooping and poor posture in older people, which affects their breathing and, hence, the oxygenation and circulation to their brains.
Spasms in the psoas muscle can also cause a person to bend forward and stoop. They can be caused by food allergies, commonly to milk and gluten, and by the accumulation of toxins in the muscle.
Back pain, neck pain, and spine misalignment can also lead to poor posture. It would be best to find a comfortable position that causes less pain.
Allergies to gluten and milk cause a leaky gut, which can affect brain functioning, damage the cells that retain memory and cause dyslexia.
Aluminium toxicity, commonly caused by cooking food in aluminium vessels and drinking from aluminium cans, causes the deposition of abnormal proteins in brain cells, leading to loss of memory and Alzheimer’s disease.